中文摘要ABSTRACTChapter 1 Introduction1.1 General background1.2 Current MSW incineration1.3 Overview of management and policies of MSWI bottom ash1.4 Reutilizations and relative problems of MSWI bottom ash1.4.1 Reutilizations of bottom ash1.4.2 Problems associated with disposals and reutilization1.5 Motivation of this work1.6 Aim of the thesis1.7 Layout of the thesisChapter 2 Characterization of MSWI bottom ash2.1 Introduction2.2 Generation and disposals of MSW2.2.1 Waste characteristics and qualities2.2.2 Waste disposal methods2.3 Materials and methodologies2.3.1 Sampling and samples preparations2.3.2 Measurement of physical components2.3.3 Measurement of Chemical parameters2.3.3.1 Chemical compositions2.3.3.2 Leaching test2.4 Results and discussions2.4.1 Grain size distribution2.4.2 Organic contents2.4.3 Distribution of glass in the different size fractions2.4.4 Distribution of synthetic ceramics in the different size fractions2.4.5 Distribution of minerals in the different size fractions2.4.6 Distribution of elemental compositions2.4.7 Metals contents2.4.7.1 Metals in <2mm fraction2.4.7.2 Metals in 2-6mm fraction2.4.7.3 Metals in 6-20mm fraction20mm fraction'> Metals in >20mm fraction2.4.8 Leaching tests2.5 Overview of mass balances of MSWI bottom ash2.6 ConclusionsChapter 3 Evaluation of MSWI bottom ash used for road construction materia Is3.1 Introduction3.2 Materials and Methodologies3.2.1 Samples collection and preparation3.2.2 Methods of measuring engineering and chemical parameters for evaluation3.3 Results and discussion3.3.1 Engineering parameters of MSWI bottom ash3.3.1.1 Grain size distribution3.3.1.2 Densities3.3.1.3 Water sorption3.3.1.4 Particle Morphology3.3.1.5 Sand equivalent (SE) Wear resistance3.3.1.7 Protor Compaction3.3.1.8 CBR index3.3.1.9 Plasticity3.3.2 Chemical parameters of Tianjin bottom ash3.3.2.1 Chemical composition3.3.2.2 Study of the bottom ash leachates3.3.2.3 Reactivity with cement alkalis3.4 Overall evaluation of MSWI bottom ash-based3.4.1 Road constructions and its structure3.4.2 Evaluation and discussions3.5 ConclusionsChapter 4 Aluminum alloys and precious metals in MSWI bottom ash4.1 Introduction4.2 Aluminum alloys contents in MSWI bottom ash4.2.1 Experimental materials4.2.2 Experimental methodologies2mm fraction'> Measuring aluminum alloys contents in >2mm fraction4.2.2.2 Measuring aluminum content in the sand4.2.3 General aluminum concentration distributions and recovery rates4.2.4 Aluminum alloy 3140 (cans) concentration distributions4.2.5 Cast aluminum alloy concentration distributions4.3 Particle size distribution of Al cans and Al foils4.3.1 Combustion tests4.3.2 The footprint of Aluminum cans and foils during combustion4.4 Distribution of precious metals of small WEEE4.5 ConclusionsChapter 5 Legislations and treatment of MSWI bottom ash5.1 Introduction5.2 Management of recycling MSWI bottom ash5.3 Overview of leaching test5.3.1 Leachate production5.3.2 Standards of leaching tests5.3.2.1 NEN7353 and prEN15505 column tests5.3.2.2 DIN38515-S5, EN12557/5 and NFX31-210 extraction tests5.3.2.3 GB 5086.1-1997 shake test5.4 Management of bottom ash landfilling5.5 Treatment technologies of MSWI bottom ash5.5.1 Stabilization/solidification5.5.2 Carbonation5.5.3 Chemical extraction of organic solution5.5.4 Weathering5.5.5 Vitrificaion of MSWI bottom ash5.5.6 Physical separation technologies5.6 ConclusionsChapter 6 Influences of MSW compositions on bottom ash characteristics6.1 Introduction6.2 Combustion experiments6.2.1 Characteristics of selected wastes6.2.3 Determination of target elements6.2.4 Description of the used combustor6.2.5 Sampling and analyses of the resulting bottom ash6.3 Bottom Ash recovery6.4 Basic bottom ash6.4.1 Concentration distributions of the selected elements6.4.2 Mass balances of selected heavy metals6.4.3 pH and toxicity tests6.5 Influences of the input specific wastes on bottom ash characteristics6.5.1 Plastics wastes6.5.1.1 Concentration variations of Chlorine6.5.1.2 Concentration variations of selected heavy metals6.5.1.3 pH and toxicity tests6.5.2 WEEE6.5.2.1 Concentration variations of selected elements6.5.2.2 Selected elements balances6.5.2.3 pH and toxicity tests6.5.3 Shredder fluff6.5.3.1 Concentration variations of selected elements6.5.3.2 Selected elements balances6.5.3.3 pH and toxicity tests6.5.4 Sewage sludge6.5.4.1 Concentration variations of the selected elements6.5.4.2 pH and toxicity tests6.6 Regression analyses6.6.1 Influence of Cl content on HM partitioning6.6.2 Sulfur6.6.3 Water content6.7 Influences of the specific wastes on the cost of incineration6.7.1 Costs of incineration plant6.7.2 Operation costs of incineration plant6.8 ConclusionsChapter 7 Thermodynamic analysis of heavy metals partitioning during MSW combustion7.1 Introduction7.2 Thermodynamic simulations7.2.1 Equilibrium calculation methods7.2.2 Assumption of calculation7.2.3 Air excess ratio7.2.4 System definition and calculation conditions7.3 Results of the theoretical study and discussion7.3.1 Influence of temperature on the HM specification7.3.2 Influence of oxygen content on the HM specification7.4 Comparison between the theoretically predicted and experimentally obtained from real incinerator residues7.4.1 HM partitioning7.4.2 Chemical specification of HM7.5 ConclusionsChapter 8 Conclusions and recommendations8.1 Conclusions8.2 Innovations8.3 RecommendationsReferencesPublicationsAcknowledgements
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标签:城市固体废弃物论文; 焚烧论文; 底灰论文; 资源利用论文; 重金属论文; 浸出毒性论文;