摘要Abstract1 Introduction2 Literature Review on Target Text Reader's Role in Translation3 Target Text Reader's Role in the Authoring Process of the Target Text3.1 Introduction to Bakhtin's Dialogue Theory3.2 Three Important Concepts of Dialogue Theory3.2.1 Dialogicality3.2.2 Pondering over the Listener3.2.3 Apperceptive Background3.3 Significance of Dialogue Theory3.4 Enlightenment of Dialogue Theory on Translation3.5 Target Text Reader's Important Status in Translation4 Target Text Reader's Role in the Interpretation of the Target Text4.1 Introduction to Philosophical Hermeneutics4.2 Three Important Concepts of Philosophical Hermeneutics4.2.1 The Openness of the Meaning of Text4.2.2 Pre-understanding and Interpretation4.2.3 Fusion of Horizon4.3 Philosophical Hermeneutics and the Interpretation of the Target Text5 The Aspects of Influence of Target Text Reader on Translation5.1 Different Types of Target Text Readers5.2 The Mode of Thinking and the Language of Target Text Reader5.2.1 Concrete Thinking vs Abstract Thinking and its Reflections on Languages5.2.2 Perceptual Thinking vs Logical Thinking and its Reflections on Languages5.2.3 Integrity Thinking vs Contrast Thinking and its Reflections on languages5.3 The Cultural Background of Target Text Reader5.3.1 The Cultural Knowledge of Target Text Reader5.3.2 Target Text Reader's Religious Belief5.3.3 Target Text Reader's Moral Values5.4 Summary of This Chapter6 ConclusionBibliography
标签:译文读者论文; 译者论文; 对话理论论文; 哲学阐释学论文; 前理解论文;