ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSAbstract摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Problems in English Teaching and Learning at High Schools in China1.1.1 Factors that affect the learning of a foreign language1.1.2 The present situation of English language teaching1.1.3 Factors Central to Teacher Self-Development1.2 The Purpose and Structure of this Thesis1.2.1 Definition and Distinction of Culture-oriented Approach and Culture Teaching1.3 The Necessity of Culture-oriented Approach in English Teaching and Learning1.3.1 The relation of Language and Culture1.3.2 The Reasons for Learning about Cultural AspectsChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Definitions of Culture2.2 Classifications of Culture2.2.1 Political and Social Institutions2.2.2 Historical Culture2.2.3 Religious Culture2.2.4 Social Conventions and Customs2.3 The Correlations between Language and Culture2.3.1 The Functions of Language2.3.2 Language and Culture2.3.3 Three Perspectives on CultureChapter 3 The Principles of Culture-oriented Approach3.1 The Principle of Interest and Enjoyment3.2 The Principle of Character Development3.3 The Principle of Broadening Students' Cultural Horizon3.4 The Principle of ModerationChapter 4 The Application of Culture-oriented Approach4.1 The Selection of Culture-bound Materials4.2 Text Analysis Based on Cultural Awareness4.3 Other Activities: Song-learning, game-playing, role-acting and film-watching, etc4.3.1 Learning English through Songs4.3.2 Teaching English by Teaching Proverbs4.3.3 Teaching English by Literature4.3.4 Creating an Authentic Classroom Environment4.3.5 Techniques of Culture Teaching AbroadChapter 5 ConclusionAppendixBibliography攻读学位期间的研究成果
标签:原则论文; 文化教学论文; 应用论文; 教学方法论文;