Abstract (Chinese Version)AbstractSynopsis (Chinese Version)SynopsisChapter One Introduction1.1 A Brief Review of Studies on Mark Twain's Two Adventures in China1.2 The Theoretical Basis, Framework, Methods, and Significance of the Thesis1.2.1 The Theoretical Basis1.2.2 The Framework and Methods1.2.3 The SignificanceChapter Two Historicity of Mark Twain's Adventures2.1 Capitalism2.2 Slavery2.3 WomenChapter Three Textuality of Mark Twain's History3.1 Different Histories Constructed in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer3.1.1 History Constructed by Readers of Mark Twain's Times3.1.2 Histories Constructed by Modern Readers3.2 Different Histories Constructed in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn3.2.1 History Constructed by Readers of Mark Twain's Times3.2.2 Histories Constructed by Modern Readers3.3 Subjectivity3.4 Mark Twain's Strategies of Constructing his History3.4.1 Humor3.4.2 Boy-protagonistsChapter Four Historical Function of Mark Twain's Adventures4.1 Pessimistic Attitude toward Subversion in Mark Twain's Adventures4.1.1 Futile Challenge to Conventions4.1.2 Determinist Symbols4.2 Contained Subversive Function of Mark Twain's Adventures4.2.1 Contradictory Mark Twain4.2.2 Undeveloped Adventures4.2.3 Pervasive Power4.3 Productive Formational Function of Mark Twain's AdventuresConclusionReferences攻读硕士学位期间承担的科研任务与主要成果Acknowledgements个人简历
标签:马克吐温论文; 历险记论文; 历史论文; 文本论文; 颠覆论文; 塑造论文;