语用迁移是二语习得研究领域的一个热门课题。许多专家学者已从学习环境、课堂教学、二语水平以及在国外居住时间等方面对影响语用迁移的条件进行过研究,并取得了很大的成绩。然而,在语用迁移与二语水平的关系问题上仍存在着两种分歧:一种认为二语水平越高,越不易受母语影响,语用迁移越小,二者呈负相关;而另一种则认为二语水平越高,把握目的语的能力越大,越容易把母语中的典型特征融入目的语,语用迁移也就越大,二者呈正相关。本文通过考察一组大一大三中国英语学习者的拒绝言语行为来研究二语水平与语用迁移的关系。本研究试图回答下列两个问题:1、低水平中国英语学习者和高水平中国英语学习者在实施拒绝时,其语义程式的频率和顺序是否存在语用迁移现象?如果有,是何种类型的语用迁移?2、中国英语学习者的英语水平是否会影响其拒绝程式的频率和顺序的语用迁移?若是,语用迁移与二语水平关系如何?本文调查了26名母语为汉语的中国人,20名母语为英语的美国人和120名中国英语学习者。借鉴了Beebe et al. (1990)的语篇补全对话,制定了英汉两种版本的对拒绝言语行为的调查问卷。本文首先对中国英语学习者的拒绝言语行为的语用迁移进行了研究,区分了过度迁移,过度使用,明显迁移和非明显迁移等,然后考察语用迁移与英语水平的关系。研究发现:1、语用迁移既存在于学习者拒绝言语行为的语义程式频率中也存在于其语义程式的顺序中。中国英语学习者的拒绝言语行为中出现了迁移过度、迁移不足等现象。2、语用迁移的程度与二语水平大致呈正相关。高水平英语学者能够用其掌握的语言知识来表达自己想要表达的内容,而这些内容往往具有典型的母语特征。低水平英语学习者,由于缺乏足够的语言知识,只能中规中矩的使用已学的英语知识,有时还会出现过度使用。3、语用迁移的程度与拒绝的诱发因素也有密切关系。比如在对别人要求赔偿实施拒绝时,过度迁移的频率较高。而在对请求和邀请的拒绝中,迁移程度较轻。本研究有以下几方面的意义:一、对二语习得领域研究语用能力的发展提供了实践素材,尤其是研究在不同学习阶段学习者用英语实施言语行为时是如何借助母语知识来完成的。二、本研究可为语用教学提供数据支撑。因为即使是英语水平相当高的学习者也会出现语用失误,有意识的加强语用知识的学习可以减少语用失误的发生。在我国的条件下,完全可以在课堂上实施显性的语用教学。三、鉴于国内有关二语水平与语用迁移的研究较少,本研究可为将来的研究提供理论和数据上的借鉴。
AcknowledgementsAbstract in ChineseContentsChapter One Introduction1.1 Origin of the Research1.2 Method of the Research1.3 Organization of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Speech Act Theory2.2 Refusals across Cultures2.3 Reviews of Studies on Pragmatic Transfer in the Refusal Speech Act2.3.1 Concept of Language Transfer2.3.2 Definition of Pragmatic Transfer2.3.3 Major Studies on Pragmatic Transfer in the Refusal Speech Act2.4 Reviews of Studies on the Relationship between L2 Proficiency and Pragmatic TransferChapter Three Research Questions and Methodology3.1 Research Questions3.2 Methodology3.2.1 Subjects3.2.2 Instrument3.2.3 Research Procedure3.2.4 Data Analysis3.2.5 An Operational Criterion for Discussing Pragmatic Transfer3.2.5.1 Defining of the Degree of Difference3.2.5.2 Pragmatic Transfer ReclassifiedChapter Four Pragmatic Transfer in L2 Refusals4.1 Evidences of Pragmatic Transfer in the Frequency of Semantic Formulas4.1.1 Evidences of Pragmatic Transfer in the Frequency of Semantic Formula in Refusals to Requests4.1.2 Evidences of Pragmatic Transfer in the Frequency of Semantic Formula in Refusals to Invitations4.1.3 Evidences of Pragmatic Transfer in the Frequency of Semantic Formula in Refusals to Suggestions4.1.4 Evidences of Pragmatic Transfer in the Frequency of Semantic Formula in Refusals to Offers4.2 Evidences of Pragmatic Transfer in the Order of Semantic Formulas4.2.1 Evidences of Pragmatic Transfer in the Typical Order of Refusals to Requests4.2.2 Evidences of Pragmatic Transfer in the Typical Order of Refusals to Invitations4.2.3 Evidences of Pragmatic Transfer in the Typical Order of Refusals to Suggestions4.2.4 Evidences of Pragmatic Transfer in the Typical Order of Refusals to Offers4.3 Discussion on Pragmatic Transfer in L2 RefusalsChapter Five The Relationship between L2 Proficiency and Pragmatic Transfer5.1 The Relationship between Proficiency and Pragmatic Transfer in the Frequency of Semantic Formulas in Each Refusal Eliciting Factor5.1.1 The Relationship in the Frequency of Semantic Formulas in Refusals to Requests5.1.2 The Relationship in the Frequency of Semantic Formulas in Refusals to Invitations5.1.3 The Relationship in the Frequency of Semantic Formulas in Refusals to Suggestions5.1.4 The Relationship in the Frequency of Semantic Formulas in Refusals to Offers5.2 The Relationship between Proficiency and Pragmatic Transfer in the Order of Semantic Formulas in Each Refusal Eliciting Factor5.2.1 The Relationship in the Order of Semantic Formulas in Refusals to Requests5.2.2 The Relationship in the Order of Semantic Formulas in Refusals to Invitations5.2.3 The Relationship in the Order of Semantic Formulas in Refusals to Suggestions5.2.4 The Relationship in the Order of Semantic Formulas in Refusals to Offers5.3 Discussion on the Relationship between L2 Proficiency and Pragmatic Transfer in the Refusal Speech ActChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Summary of the Present Research and Major Findings6.2 Significance of the Research6.3 Limitations of the Present Research and Prospects for Future StudiesBibliographyAppendix I Discourse Completion TestAppendix II Discourse Completion Test (Chinese Version)Appendix III Classification of Refusals (Beebe et al., 1990)Appendix IV Classification of Refusals (Revised Version)
标签:语用迁移论文; 二语水平论文; 拒绝策略论文; 拒绝言语行为论文; 正相关论文; 负相关论文;