Acknowledgements摘要AbstractChapter One Introduction1.1 Research Statement1.2 A general Outline of the Translation Theories Applied to Basic Color Words1.2.1 Communicative and Semantic Translation1.2.2 Functional Equivalent1.2.3 Domestication and Foreignization1.2.4 Skopos Rule and Coherence Rule1.3 Research Methodology1.4 The Significance of This Study1.5 Structure of This ThesisChapter Two Some Cultural-related Concepts2.1 The Definition of Culture2.2 The Composition of Culture2.3 Common Features of Culture2.4 Language and Culture2.4.1 Function of Language2.4.2 Word and Its Meaning2.4.3 Relationship between Language and Culture2.5 Culture and TranslationChapter Three A General Discussion on Color Words3.1 Classification3.2 Structural Characteristics3.2.1 adj.+basic color word3.2.2 color word+-ish3.2.3 color word+color word3.2.4 color word+and+color word3.3 Grammatical Functions3.4 Cultural Connotations of Some Basic Color Words3.4.1 Red and Hong(红)3.4.2 White and Bai(白)3.4.3 Black and Hei(黑)3.4.4 Yellow and Huang(黄)3.4.5 Green and Lv(绿)3.4.6 Blue and Lan(蓝)3.4.7 Grey and Hui(灰)3.4.8 Qing(青) and Huang(黄)3.5 Social Features of Some Color Words3.5.1 Color and History3.5.2 Color and Profession3.5.3 Color and Economy3.5.4 Color and Politics3.4.5 Color and CeremonyChapter Four Translation of Basic Color Words4.1 Semantically and Pragmatically Equivalent Color Words4.2 Different Conceptual Color Words4.3 Associative Color Words4.3.1 Conflict of Word Meaning4.3.2 Different Association and Implication4.3.2.1 Paraphrase4.3.2.2 Word Addition4.4 Zero of Equivalent4.4.1 Idioms Originating from Words of Colors4.4.2 Zero Equivalent of Associative Color WordsChapter Five Cultural Principles on Translation of Color Words5.1 TL Culture-oriented Principle5.2 SL Culture-oriented Principle5.3 Purpose-based PrincipleChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Thesis Summary6.2 Limitations and Suggested Further StudiesBibliography
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标签:文化论文; 颜色词论文; 内涵论文; 翻译论文; 翻译原则论文;