摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Overview of the Research Background1.2 Significance of the Research1.3 Overall Structure of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 A Brief Review of Syllabus Design Theory2.2 The Concept of Syllabus2.3 A Brief Introduction to Syllabus Types under Different Teaching Approaches2.3.1 Classical Approach2.3.2 Grammar-translation Approach2.3.3 Direct Approach2.3.4 Audiolingual Approach2.3.5 Communicative Approach2.4 Interaction among Approaches, Syllabuses and Teachers2.5 Requirements Proposed by Different Roles of a Language TeacherChapter 3 Requirements on Teachers in Current NEPG English Teaching in China3.1 Social Needs Analysis upon NEPG English Teaching in China3.1.1 Overall comments on Post-graduates’English Proficiency3.1.2 Foreign Language Used at Work3.1.3 Social Evaluations and Expectations on Post Graduate Foreign Language Teaching3.2 Requirements on Teachers in the Current Old NEPG Syllabus3.3 Features of Present NEPG English Teaching in China and Their Requirements on Teachers3.3.1 Lack of Commonly-used Textbooks and Teaching Materials3.3.2 More Emphasis on Academic English Teaching3.3.3 Lack of Unified Testing and Examination3.4 A Survey on Teacher Qualities as a NEPG English Teacher3.5 Heavier Tasks than Ever BeforeChapter 4 Reasons of Stipulating Requirements on Teachers’Qualities in New NEPG Syllabus4.1 Profiting Teachers with Well-defined Objectives4.2 Reflecting the Meaning of Syllabuses4.3 Encouraging the Implementation of Teacher TrainingChapter 5 ConclusionReferenceAppendix个人简介导师简介获得成果目录清单Acknowledgement
标签:语言教学大纲论文; 非英语专业硕士研究生论文; 英语教学论文; 教师素质论文;