本文通过研究不同测试方法——单项选择题和信息转移题——对阅读理解考试题目难度值和考生分数的影响来分析阅读考试中的测试方法效应问题。其中考题难度值是通过项目反应理论(Item Response Theory)计算得到的。结果显示不同测试方法会影响题目难度及考生的考试表现。其中信息转移题比单项选择题更难。
Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research Oritentation1.2 Motivations1.3 Latent Trait Theory (Item Response Theory)1.3.1 Basic Ideas of Latent Trait Theory (Item Response Theory)1.3.2 Features of Item Response Theory1.4 Overview of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Overview2.2 The Relationship between Construct and Test Formats2.3 The Test Formats of Interest2.3.1 Multiple Choice (MC) Questions2.3.2 Information Transfer (IT) Technique2.4 Theoretical Framework of Test Method Effect2.4.1 Bachman's Framework of Test Method Effect2.4.2 Types of Expected Response2.5 Empirical Studies about Test Method Effect on Reading Comprehension2.6 Item Response Theory2.6.1 Assumptions of Item Response Theory2.6.1.1 Dimensionality of the Latent Space2.6.1.2 Local Independence2.6.1.3 Item Characteristic Curves2.6.1.4 Speededness2.6.2 Item Response Models2.6.2.1 One-, Two-, and Three-Parameter Logistic Models2.6.2.2 Our Preference for the Rasch Model2.6.3 Test Equating and the Design Used in this Research2.6.4 The Probability of a Given Response and Item Difficulty Estimates2.7 SummaryChapter 3 The Study3.1 Overview3.2 Research Questions and Hypotheses3.3 Research Design3.3.1 Variables3.3.2 The Design3.3.3 Materials3.3.4 Subjects3.3.5 The procedure3.4 Scoring Method3.5 Analytical Method3.5.1 Rasch Analysis and Test Equating3.5.2 Analysis of the Candidates' Scores3.6 SummaryChapter 4 Results and Discussion4.1 Overview4.2 Results of the Study4.2.1 The Organization of the Distinctive Items4.2.2 The Proficiency Levels of the Subjects4.2.3 Results for Working Hypothesis Reliability and the Item Fitness Study4.2.3.2 Results for Working Hypothesis 14.2.4 Results for Working Hypothesis 24.2.5 Summary of the Results4.3 Discussion4.3.1 Different Difficulty Levels of the Two Test Methods4.3.2 Relationship between Test Methods and Candidates' Performance in a RC Test4.4 SummaryChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Overview5.2 Major Findings of the Present Study5.3 Implications5.4 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Study
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标签:测试方法效应论文; 阅读理解论文; 单项选择题论文; 信息转移题论文; 项目反应理论论文;