本文旨在对英汉概念隐喻共性及其产生原因加以研究。尽管语言之间存在诸多不同之处,但语言共性同样存在于几乎所有已知语言之中。研究语言共性主要有三种方法。第一是以Greenberg为代表的跨语言观,第二是以Chomsky为代表的心智主义语言观,第三是以Lakoff, Johnson和Langacker为代表的认知观。隐喻曾被看作是语言正常用法的偏离,是一种比喻,是一种语言装饰,与之相反,以Lakoff和Johnson为代表的认知语言学家认为隐喻不仅仅是一种通过语言表达思想的方式,而是一种思维方式。Lakoff和Johnson提出了概念隐喻这一概念,并对存在于英语中的许多概念隐喻加以研究,譬如,‘Time is money’等。对于概念隐喻,外国学者已经从认知角度做了大量的研究。过去的几年中,中国学者从认知角度研究概念隐喻的文章也屡屡出现在各种期刊和杂志中。然而,大部分研究仅仅局限于对外国理论的引进,独立的研究,特别是对于英汉一些概念隐喻的对比研究仍然非常少。本文将概念隐喻和语言共性结合起来,其目标是通过英汉认知对比,去揭示英汉概念隐喻是否存在共性,汉语中的空间,时间,基本情感,人体,基本颜色等概念隐喻,是否像英语中一样,也是主要通过从具体到粗象这样的隐喻过程来概念化的。本文的不同章节安排如下。第一章是本研究的简介。第二章是关于语言共性的综述。第三章是关于隐喻的综述。第四章对英汉中空间,时间,基本情感,人体,基本颜色等概念隐喻的共性及其原因加以详细论述。第五章是结论,包括一些发现,本研究的意义和应用,论文的局限及有待进一步研究的问题。通过对英汉概念隐喻的对比,本研究对当代的隐喻认知理论,特别是对概念隐喻理论具有一定意义。同时本研究对英语文化教学,翻译教学,英语词汇教学也具有很大的实践意义。
AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 Object of the study1.2 Problems with existing studies1.3 Objectives of the present study1.4 Notes on methodology1.5 Arrangement of the thesisChapter Two The current study on language universals2.1 Introduction2.2 Greenberg’s cross-linguistic view of language universals2.3 Chomsky’s mentalism view of language universals2.4 Cognitive approach to language universalsChapter Three An overview of metaphor in cognitive linguistics3.1 Introduction3.2 The cognitive nature of metaphor3.3 The experiential basis of metaphor3.4 The image-schema3.5 The Invariance Principle3.6 SummaryChapter Four Language Universals based on conceptual metaphors4.1 Introduction4.2 Language universals based on spatial metaphors4.2.1 QUANTITY of something4.2.2 SOCIAL HIERARCHY of people or organization4.2.3 Time as space4.2.4 STATES of people, objects or events4.2.5 Summary4.3 Language universals based on time metaphors4.3.1 Time as space4.3.2 Time as money metaphor4.3.3 Time as container metaphor4.3.4 Time as person metaphor4.3.5 Summary4.4 language universals based on Emotion metaphors4.4.1 HAPPINESS metaphors between English and Chinese4.4.2 ANGER metaphors between English and Chinese4.4.3 SADNESS metaphors between English and Chinese4.4.4 FEAR metaphors between English and Chinese4.5 Language Universals based on body metaphors4.5.1 Features of body metaphors4.5.2 Mapping models of body metaphors4.5.2.1 Mapping from body-part domain to concrete object domain4.5.2.2 Mapping from body part to abstract object domain4.5.2.3 Mapping from one body part to another4.5.2.4 Mapping from non-body part domain to body-part domain4.5.3 Summary4.6 Language universals based on basic color metaphors4.6.1 Mapping models of color metaphors4.6.2 The double cognitive functions of basic color metaphors4.6.3 SummaryChapter Five Conclusion5.1 The summary of the thesis5.2 Some findings of the study5.3 The significance in conceptual metaphor theory5.4 Some implications of the study5.4.1 The implication in the teaching of culture5.4.2 The implication in the teaching of translation5.4.3 The implication in the teaching of vocabulary5.5 Limitation of the thesis and directions for further studyREFERENCES
标签:概念隐喻论文; 语言共性论文; 对比研究论文; 英语论文; 汉语论文;