作者(2019)在《Boreal Molluscan Records in the Late Mesozoic Strata in East Asia Provide Clues for the Paleobiogeographical Reconstruction in the Mid-Latitudes of the Northwest Pacific》一文中研究指出:Studying marine paleobiogeographical conditions in the mid-latitudes of the Northwest Pacific probably contributes to better understandings of the paleoclimatic and/or paleoenvironmental background of
Studying marine paleobiogeographical conditions in the mid-latitudes of the Northwest Pacific probably contributes to better understandings of the paleoclimatic and/or paleoenvironmental background of
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:Boreal Molluscan Records in the Late Mesozoic Strata in East Asia Provide Clues for the Paleobiogeographical Reconstruction in the Mid-Latitudes of the Northwest Pacific论文