摘要AbstractChapter One Introduction1.1 The Significance of the Study1.2 The Purpose of the Study1.3 The Outline of the StudyChapter Two A Literature Review of Grammatical Metaphor2.1 Halliday’s Study of Grammatical Metaphor2.1.1 Lexical Metaphor and Grammatical Metaphor2.1.2 Congruent and Metaphorical Modes of Representation2.1.3 Classification of Grammatical Metaphor2.2 Other Western Scholars’Contribution to Grammatical Metaphor2.2.1 Goatly’s Perspective from “Markedness”and “Unmarkedness”2.2.2 Martin’s Proposing of Textual Grammatical Metaphor2.2.3 Thompson’s Interpretation of Grammatical Metaphor2.3 Chinese Scholars’Views on Grammatical Metaphor2.3.1 Hu’s Understanding of Grammatical Metaphor2.3.2 Zhu and Yan’s Treatment of Grammatical Metaphor2.3.3 Fan’s Model of Grammatical Metaphor2.4 Grammatical Metaphorical Approaches to TranslationChapter Three Case Studies: Ideational Grammatical Metaphor Applied to E-C Translation3.1 A Survey of Ideational Grammatical Metaphor3.1.1 Ideational Metafunction and Transitivity System3.1.2 Metaphors of Transitivity3.1.3 Condensations of Transitivity3.1.4 Transitivity Analysis3.2 Case Studies3.2.1 Case Collection3.2.2 Mutual Metaphorization Between Material Process and Mental Process3.2.3 Mutual Metaphorization Between Material Process and Relational Process3.2.4 Mutual Metaphorization Between Material Process and Existential Process3.2.5 Metaphorization from Other Processes into Existential ProcessChapter Four Major Findings of Case Studies4.1 A New Understanding of Literal Translation and Free Translation4.1.1 Literal Translation and Free Translation4.1.2 Process-Correspondent Translation and Process-Noncorrespondent Translation4.2 Translation Shifts4.2.1 Catford’s Translation Shift Approach4.2.2 Class Shifts4.2.3 Structural Shifts4.2.4 Rank ShiftsChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Major Findings5.2 Limitations and SuggestionsReferencesAcknowledgements个人简历发表的学术论文
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