AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research background1.2 Research objectives1.3 Research methodology1.4 Organization of thesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Studies on Chinese versions of The Scarlet Letter from linguistic aspects2.2 Studies on Chinese versions of The Scarlet Letter from non-linguistic aspectsChapter 3 Theoretical Framework3.1 The concept of register3.2 Three metafunctions of language3.3 Realization of three metafunctions in contextual parameters3.4 A new perspective on contextual parametersChapter 4 Realization of Ideational Function in Field of Discourse4.1 Comparison of two Chinese versions in religious discourses4.2 Comparison of two Chinese versions in cultural discoursesChapter 5 Realization of Interpersonal Function in Tenor of Discourse5.1 Mood system5.2 Mood types in The Scarlet Letter and two Chinese versions5.2.1 Four mood types in The Scarlet Letter5.2.2 Comparison of two Chinese versions of The Scarlet Letter5.3 Modality system5.4 Modal auxiliaries in The Scarlet Letter and two Chinese versions5.4.1 Modal auxiliaries in The Scarlet Letter5.4.2 Comparison of two Chinese versions of The Scarlet LetterChapter 6 Realization of Textual Function in Mode of Discourse6.1 Thematic structure6.2 Cohesion6.2.1 Reference6.2.2 Conjunction6.2.3 Lexical cohesion6.3 Rhetoric6.3.1 The definition of rhetoric6.3.2 Comparison of two Chinese versions of The Scarlet LetterChapter 7 ConclusionBibliographyAppendix 1 Dialogues between Prynne and Chillingworth in Chapter 14Appendix 2 Dialogues between Prynne and Dimmesdale in Chapter17Appendix 3
标签:语场论文; 语旨论文; 语式论文; 红字论文;