
Dance Movemente Awareness of Research


The art of dance is an art which, synthetically, demonstrates the movement of human body. It is different from the fine art, music, co medy, and the art of language.The movement of human body is the artistic feature of the dancing art , which demonstrates the social life of human and synthesizes the var ious types of arts, including music, poem, fine art, and comedy etc. 2[1]. Though the concrete cadence and direct-viewing movement of the dance; it expresses the emotion and the consciousness of the human.One movement of the dancing is the smallest unit of the whole da ncing movement and play an important role, hence the essential resear ch should base on the concrete movement of the dancing. However, by f ar, the research was mostly focused on the whole pattern and the proc ess of forming, but it is lack in deeply research on the element of p hysics and the consciousness.Therefore, according to the theory of the biology and psychology of the dancing art, I tried to analyze and study on the element of co nsciousness and physics. Proposing the importance of the mutual relat ionships of the elements between the physics and consciousness, I tri ed to make up the research deficiency in the movement of the dance, in the meanwhile, promoting the functional training of the dance as w ell as the development of the education in the Korean Chinese dancing movement.


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