AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要IntroductionChapter One: Literature Review1.1 Studies in the West1.2 Studies in ChinaChapter Two: The Comprehension Process in CI2.1 Comprehension in two models2.1.1 The Effort Model of Gile2.1.2 The Triangle Model of the Paris School2.2 The comprehension process in general2.3 The uniqueness of comprehension in CIChapter Three: Human Memory System3.1 Introduction: Three types of memory3.2 The sensory memory3.3 The working memory3.4 The long-term memoryChapter Four: The Comprehension Psychology in CI4.1 Preliminary processing for comprehension4.1.1 The bottom-up processing model4.1.2 The top-down processing model4.1.3 Automatic and controlled processes4.2 The integration of SL discourse informationChapter Five: Comprehension-associated Problems5.1 Confusion between linguistic and communicative meanings5.1.1 The problem5.1.2 Cause analysis5.1.3 Strategies and tactics suggested5.2 Logical incoherence5.2.1 The problem5.2.2 Cause analysis5.2.3 Strategies and tactics suggested5.3 Loss of hidden meaning5.3.1 The problem5.3.2 Cause analysis5.3.3 Strategies and tactics suggestedConclusionBibliography
本文来源: https://www.lw50.cn/article/04e3e887ecdca83cbe7ca573.html