中国语境下的身体翻译 ——以《阴道独白》的两个中译本为例
Abstract摘要ContentsChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research background1.2 Research scope1.3 Research questions1.4 Research hypotheses1.5 Research methodology1.6 Research significanceChapter 2 Gender and Translation Studies2.1 Feminism2.1.1 Development of feminism in the West2.1.2 Development of feminism in China2.2 Feminist Translation Theory2.2.1 Development of Western feminist translation theory2.2.2 Studies on feminist translation in China2.3 SummaryChapter 3 Translating the Body3.1(?)criture féminine/feminine writing in the West3.2 Translating the body3.2.1 An overview of translating the body3.2.2 Relationship between feminine writing and translating the body3.2.3 Enlightenment of feminine writing on translating the bodyChapter 4 Analysis of Translating The Vagina Monologues4.1 About The Vagina Monologues4.2 About two Chinese translations of The Vagina Monologues4.2.1 Yu Rongjun's translation4.2.2 Ai Xiaoming et al's translation4.3 Comparative study of two Chinese translations of The Vagina Monologues4.3.1 Theme:female experience4.3.2 Language:feminine discourse4.3.3 Summary4.4 Translating the body in Chinese context4.4.1 Political factors4.4.2 Cultural factors4.4.3 Gender consciousnessChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Conclusions of this research5.2 Significance5.3 Limitations and future perspectivesBibliographyAcknowledgement