AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Literature review2.1 Review of literary criticism2.2 Linguistic study of E. E. Cummings’poemsChapter 3 Background knowledge of E. E. Cummings3.1 Education and early career3.2 Developing into a poet3.3 Cummings’poetic techniques and achievements3.3.1 Creative use of capitalization3.3.2 Creative use of clichés3.3.3 Creative use of typographical design3.3.4 Creative use of space3.3.5 Creative use of telescoped words3.3.6 Creative use of punctuation3.3.7 Mixed use of devices3.4 Ripening into HonorChapter 4 An overview of morphology4.1 A distinct morphology4.1.1 Definition of morphology4.1.2 Classification of morphology4.2 Morphology and the lexiconChapter 5 A survey of nonce words5.1 Definition of nonce words5.2 Formation of nonce words5.2.1 Affixation5.2.2 Conversion5.2.3 Compounding5.2.4 Blending5.2.5 Back-formation5.2.6 Shortening5.3 Nonce words —lexical deviation5.4 Constraints on English word formationChapter 6 Analysis of the nonce words in Cummings’poems6.1 Types of Cummings’word coinage6.1.1 Un-6.1.2 –ingly6.1.3 –est6.1.4 –ly6.1.5 Pronoun Conversions6.1.6 Verb Conversions6.1.7 Function Word Conversions6.1.8 Quantifier Conversions6.2 Cummings’word formation strategiesChapter 7 Unique Effects of Nonce Words7.1 Foregrounding Effect of Nonce Words7.2 Psychological Effect of Nonce WordsChapter 8 Conclusion8.1 Conclusion8.2 Implications8.3 LimitationsBibliography
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