Chinese AbstractEnglish AbstractAcknowledgments1.Introduction2.Study resource and theoretical basis2.1 Significance of Friendship2.2 definition of friendship2.3 Introduction of the TV sitcom Friends2.4 theoretical basis: face and politeness theory3.A Social Phenomenon in Friendship Relations: Alignment Patterns3.1 Definition of Alignment Patterns3.2 One Particular way to achieve alignment: Familiar terms of address3.2.1 Semantic Categorization and Rules of Address3.2.2 Functions of Nominal direct address3.2.2.1 functions of initial-positioned and medial-positioned nominal direct address3.2.2.2 Functions of final-positioned nominal direct address3.2.2.3 Exceptions of functions of nominal direct address4.Contexts of direct address in various contexts4.1 Greeting and Parting rituals4.1.1 direct address in the context of Greeting sequences4.1.2 direct address in the context of Parting sequences4.2 direct address in the context of Apologies4.3 direct address in the context of Requests4.4 direct address in the context of comfort4.5 direct address in the context of Knowledge Displays4.6 Direct address in Dual Alignment5.ConclusionWorks CitedAppendix 1
本文来源: https://www.lw50.cn/article/42919e6b8630e5bcf339d5d7.html