当今社会,广告已经进入到我们日常生活的各个方面,其在促进销售和活跃经济方面的作用也不容小觑.广告的巨大作用和语言特色也已经引起了广大语言学家的兴趣和关注.广告首先是一种交流方式.因此本文首先介绍了广告和交流之间的关系.然后引入了广告的历史,以助于理解现代广告的渊源.作为商业操作链条中的重要一环,广告必须能吸引注意力,保持兴趣,激起向往和号召行动,也就是广告学里常用的AIDA模式.各种技巧,无论是语言上的还是非语言上的,都会被广告撰写者所运用,以求撰写出成功的广告.寻着Geoffrey Leech, Torben Vestergaard, and Kim Schroder等人的足迹,本文旨在在AIDA模式的框架下,研究汽车广告中运用的语言技巧.在160例汽车广告语的基础上,本文分别从词汇,句法和修辞三个层面分析了汽车广告的语言特点.通过分析,发现汽车广告和其他广告的相似点和差别.本文作者也希望通过本文的研究结果,给中文广告的撰写提供一些参考.
摘要(Abstract in Chinese)AbstractAcknowledgementsChapter 1 Introduction to Advertising1.1 Advertising as Communication1.2 History of Advertising1.3 Functions and Effects of AdvertisingChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Linguistic Approach in the Study of Advertising English2.2 AIDA Formula2.3 AIDA Formula as the Framework of the Present StudyChapter 3 The Present Study3.1 Description of the Current Data3.2 Purpose of Study3.3 Research MethodologyChapter 4 Data Analysis: Linguistic Features of Auto Advertising English4.1 On Lexical Level4.1.1 Use of Nouns4.1.1.1 Use of Brand Names4.1.1.2 Use of “Flavored Nouns”4.1.2 Use of Adjectives4.1.3 Use of Verbs4.1.4 Use of Pronouns4.1.5 Coinage4.2 On Syntactic Level4.2.1 Preference for Simple Sentences4.2.2 Ellipsis4.2.3 Use of Imperative Sentences4.2.4 Use of Interrogative Sentences4.2.5 Use of Negative Sentences4.2.6 Use of Tense4.2.7 Use of Voice4.3 On Rhetorical Level4.3.1 Pun4.3.2 Simile and Metaphor4.3.3 Personification4.3.4 Parallelism4.3.5 Alliteration and Rhyme4.3.6 AllusionChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Summary of the Present Study5.2 Limitations of the Present StudyReferencesAppendix