中文摘要ABSTRACTI. IntroductionII. Literature Review2.1 Theories of task-based learning2.2 Theories on Learning Motivation2.2.1 Learning motivation2.2.2 Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation2.3 Aim and demands for writing in New Standard English2.4 The significance of improving students’writing2.5 The basic modes of writing in class teaching2.6 Task-based learning and motivation for writingIII. Investigation into the Present Situation of Student Motivation in English Writing3.1 Purpose of the investigation3.2 Some important findings of the investigationIV. Application of task-based activities in motivating the learners’writing4.1 Hypothesis4.2 Analysis of student motivation before the experiment4.3 The design of the experiment4.3.1 The procedure of the experiment4.3.2 The task-based activities used in the experiment4.4 The result of the experimentV. ConclusionReferencesAppendix致谢
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