Abstract摘要1 Introduction1.1 Thesis Introduction1.2 Deal Introduction1.3 Research Objectives1.4 Conclusion of the Thesis2 Literature Review: the Choice between Greenfield Investment and Acquisition2.1 Papers and Empirical Results Review2.2 Summarized Theories based on Literature Review2.3 New Areas of My Research and Contributions3 Research Methods and Data Collection3.1 Research Methods3.2 Data Collection4 Tesco China Case Analysis4.1 General Introduction of Tesco, Hymall and the Industry4.2 Ex-post Facto Tesco China Performance Shows its entry was a Failure5 Statistical Analysis Based on Different Entry Cases in Supermarket Industry5.1 Data Selection5.2 Method to Conduct Statistical Analysis5.3 Statistical Analysis6 Valuation Analysis: A Back-up Test to Statistical Analysis7 Conclusion7.1 Thesis Conclusion7.2 Limitations of the Paper and Future StudyAppendixBibliography致谢
本文来源: https://www.lw50.cn/article/add528f08c4e98152a7644ed.html