Acta Geochimica2019年04期论文
:Metallogenic controls on the granite-related W–Sn deposits in the Hunan–Jiangxi region, China: evidence from zircon trace element geochemistry论文
本文主要研究内容作者(2019)在《Metallogeniccontrolsonthegranite-relatedW–SndepositsintheHunan–Jiangxi...:In-situ sulfur isotope and trace element of pyrite constraints on the formation and evolution of the Nibao Carlin-type gold deposit in SW China论文
本文主要研究内容作者(2019)在《In-situsulfurisotopeandtraceelementofpyriteconstraintsontheformationan...:Geological and geochemical characteristics of the Baogudi Carlintype gold district(Southwest Guizhou, China) and their geological implications论文